Art guides me into the depths of my inner knowings, to ask the questions for my own unfolding.

Lora at beach in sunglasses
Lora writing and drawing as a young child

My Journey

Since I was young I’ve been a maker of things.

In my teen years, I made art as a means of processing the experiences of life, my art was about learning to separate from my mind and find wholeness in myself.

Later I spent four years in college making weird things, things that helped me to navigate my path inward and outward. I discovered who I was through lots of paper mache, countless hours of nude model drawing, and many late nights gluing fabric and other found objects together. I poured many pounds of wax into full-body molds, tied hundreds of pieces of string together, and painted the eyes of woman after woman.

All these avenues of exploration were attempts to express the awareness of my chattering mind, the depths of my beingness, and the peace I knew was just a breath away.

I didn’t know yet how to love my body, how to understand its inner knowings, what internal ease felt like, and how to live in trust.

Art helped me explore all of this, to keep healing, and to keep asking questions.

This all continues to fuel my art-making. I keep creating so my spirit has a place to share, so the sadness and joy can be expressed, so the questions may be asked, and so I can get out of my own way and watch the mysteries of life unfold.

My intention for this work.

I’m here to keep developing my own creative process and to keep exploring what it means to Be at this time.

I’m here to support you on your journey to discover for yourself who you are, what you desire, and how to tend to your creative source.

This work of unfolding is mind, body, and soul work, and is a piece of vibrant health and well-being.

Who I am now, and some things that bring me joy.

I now live in North Carolina. I keep discovering the mysteries of life through making, painting, drawing, and learning from wise elders. We’ve recently bought some land to live out a life together of simple being and creating.

What brings me joy is my daily walk in nature, tenderness with my loving husband, my sweet dog, soup boiling on the stove, herbs harvested from the woods, a rom-com that makes me cry laugh, the sweet smell of morning, talking with my mom, playing the guitar, many types of tea, long baths, and of course, making art.

I’ve learned from many amazing people in my life, to see a full list of the teachers, guides, and mentors who’ve influenced much of my work and life, click here.

To see a collection of my art through the years click here.

Lora and her Husband Skyler
Lora and her dog Bay
Being Creative with music