Honoring those who have inspired me.

These teachers, guides, and mentors have influenced much of my work and life. Here is a list of who I’ve studied with, call inspiration from, and give gratitude to.

My dear friend and art mentor James Stellar, as well as Jody Hansen, for 100’s hours of 1:1 mentorship on art and life.

Alexis Slutzky’s mentorship over the years in tending to life, ritual, council, and grief, in her programs and 1:1 sessions gave me countless lessons to weave into my own work.

Many of my art teachers throughout my education have inspired and influenced my work, particularly Sondra Schwetman.

My time spent living and working at The Sanctuary Arcata and all those who frequented there, especially my art friends Katie Belknap and Solomon Lowenstein, influenced greatly my creative practice and techniques in those years.

The two Signal Fire Arts month-long backpacking trips I participated in, guided by Kerri Rosenstein and Ryan Pierce.

The pivotal years at Yoga Soup with Eddie Ellner, Luca Cupery, Britta Gudmunson, Lauren Hopper, as well as so many others, were a beautiful unfolding and education in many areas of life. Their signature YTT, as well as the many workshops and classes I attended, influenced my work around the body, healing, and the untangling of my mind.

Elisa Rose’s somatic embodiment workshops and retreats, as well as her year-long 1:1 mentorship, was vital in my development of trauma healing and body awareness. As well as Kaita Mrazek, and my husband Skyler’s authentic movement classes, were a place of somatic exploration and discoveries.

The herbal courses from the Herbal Academy Online were foundational in my holistic health and wellness education, as well as the radical information and teachings of Justine Perrizo of Moon Magic Herbs.

My studies of female physiology and women’s well-being come from Adelaide Meadow’s mentorship course, retreat, and classes, Rachelle Garcia Seliga's Postpartum Care Training and Physiologic Baby Care course, Qiddist Ashe’s webinars and Cervix Celebration, Emiliee Saldaya and Yolanda Noris Clark Complete Guide course and the many contributors to FBS membership, Whapio Diana Bartlett’s Doula training and Midwifery Cohort, The Arvigo Institute’s classes and training, Liz Koch Psoas Workshop and webinars, Samantha Zipporah’s Miscarriage + Abortion course, Tami Kent’s books, and Holistic Pelvic Care Course, and Delphi Marie’s mentorship in abdominal massage. Radical sexual education with the courses from Kim Anami and Alyssa Morin.

My continued exploration in somatics, trauma healing, and nervous system connection with Hannah Grace Stone’s Dance Workshops and Reclamation course, the Verdant Collective’s course and resources, and the lecture series of Francis Weller. Also hugely influential as been the nondual teachings from Rupert Spira’s numerous videos and webinars.

Alternative studies of health and well-being with Mellisa Sell and Andi Lock Mears’s teachings and resources on GNM, as well as Carolyn Myss’s Anatomy of Your Health course, and the many teachings of Louise Hay.

Along with these teachers are the countless books and podcasts I’ve learned from within my interests in art, creativity, female wellbeing, abdominal and pelvic health, and female centered teachings.

I give gratitude and recognition to my single mother who supported my creative unfolding and raised me on her own, as well as my grandmother, an artist and mother of 12, who has always encouraged me to continue making art.

I’m so thankful to the many who have come before me and done their work in the world so that I can do mine.